Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Cats, Cats and more Cats!

Mabelmae, my CEO

As you go through life, you collect a lot of stuff along the way. In some way, the things you collect represent a time in your life. It may be a good time. It may be a bad time. But the stuff you bring into your life is very representative of who you were at the time of its acquisition.
And so brings us to my life long love of all things pointy earred, furring and purring---cats!
My parents used to tell me that my first word was "kitty" and if this were indeed true, much about my life evolved from there. I have always had an affinity with cats, always loved cats and, well, maybe even felt at one with the feline populace of the world. Not that I'm a crazy cat lady, mind you.....or maybe I am. The thing is, it is a given that I like cats and it is the one thing in life I can be actually sure about. And yes, I do believe that you can never have too many cats, furry or decorative.
This love affair with cats has gotten me through some pretty rough times in my life. I remember a pretty bad time in the early '80's. My mother had passed away and within a year of her death, my father married a woman who did not want me in her life. At some point, on a rather dark day, I proclaimed "I like cats!" and something about that proclamation made me start collecting them. I think in some way my goal was to decorate my home like Cat Woman's lair, and in many ways I succeeded. When my daughter was younger, she and her friends would count the number of cat things I had around. When I opened my online business in 1998, it was devoted to cats(or at least to stuff for cat lovers).
And so, the cat collection grew and grew to the place where I am today--purging and re-evaluating and changing my life. I'm not saying that I am going to part with all of my cat inspired goodies. I have to keep a few. But part of this selling my life on eBay has to include some cat housekeeping. And I think it's time for another cat collector to enjoy my collection. After all, you can never have too many cats!

Too see see how this all evolving, check out my auctions at the address below. And if you are or know any cat lovers, send them over. I know they'll find something they definitely have to have!

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